Effective Marketing Frequency

Effective Frequency, John O'Toole, 1961

In this research rich book on the science of marketing and advertising Mr. O'Toole presents and supports the following conclusion for the optimum frequency of advertising and marketing impressions.

First Impressions Matter Most, Second Impressions Less, Third Impressions Less Still and so on... Message Impressions Follow the Law of Dimishing Returns.


Mr. O'Toole's scientific conclusion has been twisted by the various advertising mediums into the commonly cited (and self-serving) "fact" that for an advertising campaign to be effective at motivating the customer to action a message must be seen or heard between 6 and 12 times.


Yet according to Mr. O'toole's research is simply NOT TRUE!


Effective Frequency of Marketing Impressions


MarketingProfits4.0 Success Principle: Effective Marketing Frequency


When using Creative and Impression marketing a higher frequency will help create awareness to a point, but the effect of each successive impression is governed by the law of diminishing returns.


Therefore, the relative cost of each successive impression naturally increases. You, the advertiser therefore spend more money for less the longer the ad runs.


I'm pretty certain that the marketing and advertising "expert" who is quoting you frequency numbers as gospel has never even read Mr. O'Toole's book.


I have.


Note: Sadly, this book appears to be out of print. Fortunately I was able to read a copy from a local research library.


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